30 Nov

Infertility is a common issue nowadays. There are numerous couples who face issues of infertility in their mid-thirties. When a couple is unable to conceive following 1 year of regular intercourse, it can be very depressing. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is considered as one of the best infertility treatment. The IVF success rate relies on the age factor. If your age is more than 40, the rate of success diminishes.

IVF Process:

In the IVF procedure, the eggs from the woman's womb are collected and afterward combined with men's sperm. After fertilization of eggs and sperm in the lab, the embryo (developing life) is transferred in an incubator that helps them to grow, and the formed embryos are injected into the woman's uterus a few days later. When all procedure is finished with care and when embryo takes its place in woman's womb and grows the IVF process results in a pregnancy.

Steps of IVF:

The IVF incorporates several steps. The first one starts with the induction of ovulation. After ovulation is included, the procedure to retrieve the woman's eggs is performed. Retrieval of eggs is a critical step in IVF. In this procedure, extraction of the woman's eggs from her ovaries is performed and now it is fertilized by sperm. Now the healthy fetus is transferred into the woman's womb. The transfer of embryo (developing life) can take place after 2 days of fertilization however the fifth-day embryo is considered as the best.

ivf treatment

Embryo Transfer:

The embryo can occur in two simple ways: Blastocyst Transfer and Frozen Embryo Transfer.

Blastocyst Transfer:

In this technique, the embryo is transferred following five days. The fifth day is known as the Blastocyst stage; thus it is called Blastocyst transfer. At this stage, the embryo transfer is considered more fruitful because it is much easier to recognize the healthy embryos and transfer them to the uterus.

Frozen Embryo Transfer:

Another name of embryo freezing is Cryopreservation. Women having IVF treatment have an additional embryo frozen. It is done in the condition if the first procedure may not be fruitful. This procedure is more useful for women that desire to have children later in life.

More than one embryo implantation:

The implantation of more than one embryo ensures an effective pregnancy. More than one embryo implantation may result in the woman having more than one child.