21 Aug

IVF is the ray of hope in an infertile couple. IVF is the procedure of fertilization outside the human body wherein a woman’s egg is fertilized with a sperm artificially. There is a myriad number of couples around the whole world who are infertile, but thanks to medical miracle IVF augmenting your odds of getting pregnant.

If you are considering IVF, it is critical to know as much as you can about the procedure. It is likewise essential to find out about the IVF center that you have chosen for treatment.

Generally, a woman releases one egg in a month however if there should be an occurrence of infertility, a woman needs more than this to get pregnant. Stimulation of egg production can be increased with the assistance of fertility drugs. It expands the odds of a successful pregnancy. Fertility drugs increase maturation of five or more eggs so that more embryos can be created and transferred into woman womb. This procedure is called ovarian stimulation phase. This phase takes two weeks and includes a daily injection of fertility drugs. You can get more information about it from the best IVF center in Ahmedabad that you have chosen.

At the last stage of ovarian stimulation phase, it will be essential to visit the center every alternate day with the goal that your infertility specialist can monitor the growth of the follicles. Follicles are the sacs in the ovaries that contain an immature egg.

At the point when follicles are developed, the eggs will be gathered from the ovary and now the combination with sperms will happen in a laboratory. Egg harvest procedure won’t hurt, despite the fact that you may feel some cramps similar to menstrual cramps afterward. Now the fertilization will take place.

Following three to five days of fertilization, the embryo is now prepared to transfer into the woman’s womb. The 3-5 days fetus transfer is called Blastocyst transfer and this stage is known as the Blastocyst stage. After embryo transfer, the candidate for IVF will be asked to wait two weeks before you can take a pregnancy test. If a pregnancy test is positive, the candidate is pregnant.

IVF is a great invention of the medical world. The real progression in IVF technology has improved its success rates. If you are getting ready to choose IVF for pregnancy, it will be important to choose the best IVF center in Ahmedabad. Sunflower Women’s Hospital is the best of the best IVF center, which gives the best outcome as well as fulfills your fantasy of parenting.

The post is originally posted here, re-published with permission.